Reminder to all residents: Only approved swimwear is allowed in the pool. Information about approved swimwear is included below but if you have any questions please contact the board. This rule is in place for many reasons, including but not limited to:

Cotton and other materials can hold detergent, germs and bacteria that can be released into the water. This can cause swimmers to get sick and affect the water chemistry and clarity.

Cotton tends to absorb a lot of water and pool chemicals requiring the pool to use more disinfectant.

Cotton can become heavy when it absorbs pool water and can weigh down swimmers making it difficult to swim.

Cotton t-shirts tend to not fit tight to the body and can increase the risk of underwater entrapment.

Cotton breaks down in the water which clogs the pool filtration system.

The board works very hard to keep dues as low as possible however if extra pool maintenance is required such as increased chemicals or filter repairs the dues will be increased to accommodate.

Again if you have any questions please reach out to the board.

Policies | Campus Recreation